Elon Musk – flying too high



Lacking a twitter nanny to censor his more idiotic posts Elon Musk is now in a deep hole having been slapped with a lawsuit by the US Securities and Exchange Commission accusing him of securities fraud. This the result of a wild and erroneous tweet saying he was taking Tesla private, sending shares soaring. The worst-case scenario is he pays a considerable fine, and is banned from being a company director. When Martha Stewart faced a similar ban she became creative officer in her company.

Born 28 June 1971 in Pretoria, South Africa (sadly no birth time), he has a creative and experimental Cancer Sun Mercury square Uranus. like Julian Assange born five days later; and a head-in-the-clouds, high-finance Jupiter Neptune opposition Saturn; and an adventurous, uncompromising Mars in Aquarius square Jupiter.

Musk was in line for two collisions this year – one from Solar Arc Sun opposition his Mars and the other from Solar Arc Mars square his Sun, and by 2021 opposition his Uranus – which makes for a very bumpy ride.

Tr Saturn is also dampening his self-esteem this year as it hard-aspects his Sun and Uranus, and Mercury throughout 2019. He looks edgy in the extreme later this year; with Neptunian sinkers through until 2021. There will be a few moments of luck and relief in 2019 but not enough to outweigh the rest. And won’t really get back into gear before 2022.

For self-inflicted wounds the 10th Harmonic is usually an indicator – and his is extraordinarily strong tying together Mars Pluto and Uranus and Jupiter and the North Node – a ruthless and desperate drive for progress, innovative and adventurous. The 10H usually indicates a rise and a fall.

His get-it-together 5H, often the sign of a creative businessman, is strong; as is his ‘seeking soul’ 7th, which sometimes comes with a tinge of instability. His breakthrough/genius 13H is notable; even more so his leaving-a-legacy-for-history 17th harmonic.

The Tesla IPO 29 June 2010 9.30am New York is also showing the strain over the next three months with a chart not dissimilar to Musk’s with a Cancer Sun Mercury opposition Pluto square Jupiter Uranus – all picking up tr Saturn dampeners till this December. The Solar Arc Midheaven is conjunct the destructive Fixed Star Algol right as of now.

And Tesla Motors, 1 July 2003, is similarly afflicted with a Sun, Mercury, Saturn in early Cancer – it hints at major upheavals in 2019 with Solar Arc Uranus square the Pluto. And Musk’s relationship chart with his company looks on a downhill slide from this year through till the early 2020s.

Genius comes at a price.

See previous posts: August 18 2018, Feb 8 2018, Nov 19 2017.

Pic: Steve Jurvetson

4 thoughts on “Elon Musk – flying too high

  1. SEC has reached a settlement with Elon Musk. $20,000,000 fine on Musk, $20,000,000 fine on Tesla Inc. Musk barred from being Chairman of the Board for three years, but is still CEO. Restrictions and new oversight required in communications involving investors. Fine to be distributed to harmed investors.

  2. There have been news traspiring about terrible work culture at Tesla for some time. Without exact time of birth, it’s hard to tell what’s going exactly, although I had last degree Aquarius Sun boss who went to a horrible power trip with Neptune conjunct Sun. Completely oblivious to how his actions transpired to World. So, maybe Musk’s Moon being hit by Neptune is a key. Emotional confusion has consequences, too.

  3. Thank you, Ms. Orr. In your previous posts you saw difficulties for Musk, and now they begin. There are fixed star conjunctions in Musk’s chart that can have a negative influence, sun conjunct Tejat Posterior, and venus conjunct Bellatrix.

    The SEC charge also asks that he be barred from ever serving on the board or being an officer of a publicly traded company.

    Musk was offered a deal by the SEC and he turned it down. Within hours, the SEC filed the complaint. His dealings and investment in Sun City solar (run into the ground by his cousins), have troubling issues of possible significance. Also, his NASA contracts would be under review because of his self-admitted conduct. He is also being sued by the diver in the cave rescue who he repeatedly called a “pedo” or pedophile on twitter. Musk even dared him to sue. Investors in Tesla Motors have started multiple class action and individual lawsuits against him for his tweet of August 7.

    His non-business life is equally troubled. Was going to say “private life” but it’s not private with Azealia Banks tweeting about it. To keep it clean and brief, she was at Musk’s home the weekend of the infamous “funding secured” tweet, to collaborate with Grimes. Musk also recently appeared on Joe Rogan’s podcast, where he drank whiskey and took a hit off a blunt, but didn’t inhale. Really, it looked like he didn’t. But second-hand smoke? Hmmm….

    For a mature man of 47, with fortune, genius, and the admiration of countless people, he sure is lost in space. Until 2022.

    • Edit: hahaha, I said Sun City, instead of Solar City. Nope, it’s not the Senior citizen retirement community, although that might be a good place for him to decompress right about now.

      I’d also like to point out the marijuana during the Joe Rogan interview was in a state where it was legal.

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