Your Starsign


October 23 - November 22

Today's Horoscope for Wednesday May 08th

The New Moon in your opposite sign is important where close relationships, at home and at work, are concerned. There could even be new romances round the corner for the unattached and on the lookout. If there have been differences recently this is the time to start afresh. You may feel dependent or vulnerable but that is not necessarily a bad thing. You just have to make sure that close partners understand it is each for each. It cannot all be one way otherwise resentment will build up. Try to get better understandings in place.

The Weekly Outlook from 06th May

You may feel cut off from a friend or loved ones as if you were not getting the support and encouragement you expected. Don't sit behind a brick wall and feel sorry for yourself. That will just make things worse. Find a way of bridging the gap and breaking out of the vicious circle. Accept that you need another half before you will feel secure in whatever you are doing. You may have to be less self-sufficient and more adaptable to ensure that close partners are on your wavelength.

Your Monthly Horoscope for May

Hard work will not be in short supply but you will have the reassuring and affectionate support of a close partner on hand. Togetherness will be the key to contentment in the first three weeks so cooperating, sharing, caring and relating in an active way will be a priority. You will have moments of getting overly-critical about practical matters, thinking only your methods will work, which could cause the odd tension or get you landed with doing too much. Remember to pay attention to your keep fit regimes if you are putting energy out. An emotional upset or a surprise involving a close partner may seem unwelcome initially around the 13th but could give you the elbow room you have been wanting. By the 18th you will be wreathed in smiles and feeling appreciated. In the final ten days you will tackle confidential financial and emotional agreements to see where you can get a fairer deal. Be prepared to compromise.

and Next Month's Horoscope for June

Secretive by temperament you'll be doubly so with a concentration of planets moving through Gemini, your chart area of confidential emotional and financial matters. There will be good news early on as one of your pet schemes turns good with heart-warming results and could bring a cash bonus. Perseverance and persistence will be needed with some flexibility for three weeks as you push hard to reach better agreements in private. When it all feels like a struggle, remind yourself you'll be more secure because of your efforts. One close partner may not always be on your wavelength after the 9th with some disagreement in the family. Try not to rise to the bait and get agitated or dogmatic. Tread softly and make an effort to sweep them up in your enthusiasm. Together you will make faster progress than flying solo. The intense mood and private wranglings will gradually recede after midmonth as your horizons open in front of you and restrictions lift. You'll be keen to mix with a fun crowd, inject adventure into your leisure activities and be lighter hearted. Into the final days you will have a head filled with grand plans and high enthusiasm. This is a time to allow your visions to flourish.

Year Ahead 2024

The support on one close partner will continue on into 2024 giving you a warm glow of optimism as you view the road ahead. Socially you will be in demand for your knack of making everyone you encounter feel special and encouraged. Your talent as a morale booster won't go unnoticed. Keen to resolve family differences and make changes to your domestic set up, you will be setting out a long term plan to ensure you are building solid emotional foundations for the future. Certain relationships within your close circle will be tricky so it will require a revised approach over time. There will be no instant solutions but leaving old assumptions behind and coming to terms with a new reality will help to smooth out a few wrinkles. You may also be involved in practical domestic reorganisation or improvement schemes. From April it will be important not to over commit yourself with projects since you need a chance to recharge your batteries and have time for a sensible get-fit regime as well as work. After June you will notice a stream of generosity coming your way either in money or in support or both. Making the transition into the future and leaving the past behind will be easier than you expect. You will also be dropping your emotional defences and drawing closer to the right people. Throughout the year you may find as last year that your social life is hard work and requires effort. So by October take the hint and give yourself quiet time to rest, relax and recharge your batteries.