Your Starsign


January 21 - February 19

Today's Horoscope for Thursday March 13th

You will lose all thought of being superficial or frivolous. There will be certain points in the next few days when you want to get down into the depths to investigate, to stand steady until you find long-term answers to problem situations. It may be to do with financial or emotional matters, or more fundamental questions you are asking of yourself. Since you could be impatient or perfectionist certain relationships will not run smoothly. Go your own independent way.

The Weekly Outlook from 10th March

Your mood will be intense so it'll be important not to over react to what may just be a passing cloud. You know you are having to be more self-sufficient but you could do with leaning all over someone close either for support or advice. Try not to get too distracted. If you are off a mind to do a little clearing out, try not to throw away too much. Remember if you are too impulsive, you may want to backtrack in a few days. Moderation in all things is always a good motto.

Your Monthly Horoscope for March

As an Air sign you thrive on ideas, conversations and friends. But needs must this month you get your feet on the ground and focus on practicalities. Your personal finances will require attention not because there are glaring problems but there will be details of agreements to be understood and some restrictions placed on your tendency to over spend. Paying attention to realistic limits and common sense will get you over one hurdle towards the 12th. Paying attention to fitness will also be essential since hard work is unavoidable and you will need to boost your stamina however you can. Into the final ten days you'll be racing along through a busy everyday schedule, holding meetings, chatting constantly. Charm will get you most places and attract thoughtful gestures in return from everyday companions.

and Next Month's Horoscope for April

A varied, busy everyday schedule will keep boredom at bay for three weeks as you race around, making short distance trips and talking constantly. You may be skimming the surface and cutting corners since there will be less time for detail but try not allow carelessness to give you problems for later on. Keeping on eye on your personal finances will be sensible in the first week since there may be practical decisions to take. It will require effort and may seem tedious but being meticulous will pay off. After midmonth you will feel less drained where stamina is concerned with extra support coming from a close partner. Though you will have to bite your tongue at points to keep the mood cooperative which won't always be easy since a tricky situation towards late month will put everyone on edge. Least said soonest mended.

Year Ahead 2025

Your life will be taking on a serious tone with Pluto starting its long trek through your sign which will gradually transform your approach and your image in years ahead. You may find certain relationships become intense which will not suit your detached temperament. Lighten up and avoid getting dragged into no-win discussions. You will have more influence over situations in your orbit if you play your cards right. Socially on good form you won?t be short of invitations for the first half year and will enjoy being centre of attention with loved ones and friends rallying round. There will be loose end of financial matters to sort out which will require focus and effort since you all too easily tend to drift off into a daydream and ignore practicalities. Making an effort to get better organised and to communicate clearly in your everyday routines will make for faster progress. If you feel your views are not being given proper attention, be persistent and keep repeating yourself. Into the final months you?ll be feeling fitter and healthier pleased to have enthusiastic support around the chores. The late Eclipse will hint that altering your way of sharing, caring and relating will bring better connections and more support.