Your Starsign


May 21 - June 21

Today's Horoscope for Thursday May 09th

You know you need to re-think some of your attitudes and outlook and find a different perspective on your life. If you are involved in heated discussions with those close don't treat them as a nuisance. Accept them as a useful challenge to see which of your views needs refined or in some cases abandoned. In friendships and team activities it will be important to ensure that everyone is pulling in the same direction. This may take tact and persuasion but you will manage it.

The Weekly Outlook from 06th May

You may have to work on your own without support from other people. But instead of getting into a gripe and a groan, see where you can use the time wisely to achieve more. Focus on narrow tasks that require attention to detail. Midweek the hidden New Moons will be the start of something new. But don't expect a spectacular send off to future ventures. Just be clear that you need to put your wholehearted attention behind the scenes into whatever you want to achieve over the next year.

Your Monthly Horoscope for May

Friends and team mates will be urging you to get a move on with setting long term plans and getting involved in their activities. Group efforts will be the way to go although cooperation may not always be easy. But the main drift of the first three weeks will put the focus on behind-the-scenes-activities - preparing, planning, getting perspective on recent events and recharging your batteries. As a fidgety sign you never take idleness to be enjoyable but it won't be wasted time. Slowly but sure you will be appreciating a chance to enjoy your own company and be at peace with the past. A sudden surprise insight around the 13th may come from an unexpected outside event bringing enlightenment as you are jolted into viewing one situation in a completely different light. If you treat what initially seems unwelcome as a chance to open up and free yourself of old restrictions then you will be well on your way to more fulfilment ahead. A personal success around the 18th may not be visible to outsiders but you will be more than pleased with yourself. Into the final ten days with your birthday Sun in place you will be racing ahead in good form, charming everyone you meet.

and Next Month's Horoscope for June

In good form with expansive, enthusiastic Jupiter now firmly ensconced in your sign until next June, you'll reckon fair winds will be blowing behind you as you set out on a new cycle of your life of growth and vision. You will be attracting resources as well as positive reactions from everyone you encounter. Your persuasive powers will be on display early on as you pull one situation round to your advantage. There will be a few delays along the way and some hard work required so straying too far from the straight and narrow won't work. And after the 9th with Mars moving into the sign before yours for a few weeks, progress may be slow with certain plans and you will have to pull strings behind the scenes when circumstances won't allow you to be as pro-active as you might wish. After midmonth treats and indulgences will prove all too tempting but luckily from the 20th you'll find an equal determination to improve your financial situation. Finding the balance between what comes in and what comes out will be crucial.

Year Ahead 2024

Slowly but surely you will move into a brighter, less restricted phase ahead in 2024. Pluto moving away from the confidential, financial and intensely emotional area of your chart into communicative Aquarius will suit your quick-witted, chatty spirit. Recent years have given you depth of understanding but you reckon enough is enough and now you intend to fly higher, broaden your horizons, aim for adventure and campaign for your favourite causes. You will be keen to spice up your social life and attract more attention and appreciation as well as widen your circle of friends. What will make all the difference is Jupiter moving into your own sign in late May for twelve months to start a new cycle of growth, expansion and good luck. You'll attract positive responses and find your popularity soars. Hard work will still be needed since discipline and practicality will pay off in substantial achievements and in attracting the respect of those whose judgement you trust. There will be moments of indecision and dither along the way since these are uncertain times for everyone but you will be in better spirits than most and more fortunate.