Your Starsign


November 23 - December 22

Today's Horoscope for Wednesday May 08th

Never was there a better day to start a new diet, fitness or exercise regime. You will be able to muster up the will power and you know you need to boost your stamina and get streamlined for the days ahead. Stick your colours to the mast and get going. You can thank the New Moon moving through your chart area of health and work, a once a year happening, which nudges you into getting sensible about your lifestyle and your organisation. Being efficient means you will save energy.

The Weekly Outlook from 06th May

Early on won't be a time to fling yourself into parties and or passionate clinches. But don't get a weighed-down feeling. Be resourceful, get a grip, tackle whatever muddles or projects you have been pushing onto the back burner and you will feel so much better. You know this isn't the most glamorous time of the year for you, but it will be the right circumstances for you to re-organise your methods. With determination and strategy you will clear up a good many tangles.

Your Monthly Horoscope for May

Filled with passionate enthusiasm and high vitality you will be tempted to aim solely for enjoyment and entertainment. But duty and chores will not recede to fit your wishes so you'll need to aim for a balance between hard work and fun. Since you may be burning the candle at both ends you will need to pay special attention to staying fit and boosting your stamina. A pressured everyday schedule will keep you running though there will be ways of lightening the mood by not taking every comment and encounter so seriously. After midmonth you'll be feeling upbeat, healthier and welcoming good news on several fronts. More support will be on offer in the final ten days from a close partner so you'll be sharing your burden of chores and not feeling so drained.

and Next Month's Horoscope for June

Togetherness will be your way forward for a few weeks with five planets including enthusiastic, optimistic Jupiter moving through your opposite sign of Gemini. Those close may not always be realistic but they will be upbeat and boosting your morale. Your persuasive powers will be on display on the 3rd as you finesse an agreement and pull those close round to your viewpoint. Cooperation will bring results where trying to go it alone would not. There may be a few tensions or problems to be overcome at home or within the family and your morale-boosting approach will help to keep spirits high. Hard work will be inevitable after the 9th and that means ensuring you are paying attention to your keep-fit regimes and sensible eating plans. You'll need to keep your stamina high. After midmonth your emotional reactions will be intense but you won't let on to anyone what you are thinking or feeling. In the final ten days you will be pushing hard to reach better agreements over confidential, financial and emotional matters. Be form as well as flexible, since some compromises will be inevitable.

Year Ahead 2024

Always an upbeat, ever-optimistic sign, you will notice a change in your approach and interests in 2024 as you dig deep for answers rather than relying on a wing and a prayer to get you to where you want to be. There will be intense encounters in your everyday life and discussions where you will not give way easily on what you believe. What you say will be important and the right people will respect your stand as long as you do not take it too far and become dogmatic or obsessed. There will be practical and emotional matters to resolve at home and within the family but if you tackle any reorganisation with determination and differences with tact you'll be pleased by the year end at the progress you've made. Jupiter, your ruler, will continue to boost your health and fitness for a few months before moving into your opposite sign. From June onwards you will find close relationships of all varieties flourishing as you share broader interests with close partners and see clearly how to develop your bond in years to come. Any connections which have passed their sell-by date you will let go with a minimum of regret and fuss. The year's eclipses will boost your social and romantic life from April onwards and then widen your friendship cycle in the final months of the year.