Your Starsign


February 20 - March 20

Today's Horoscope for Wednesday May 08th

Trying to manage your time better, streamline your efficiency and clear up communication muddles will be a priority in the time ahead. There may be nothing obvious immediately but if you take steps early on you can prevent situations blowing up in future. Getting your feet on the ground, and paying attention to details may not sound like a laugh a minute. But if you ignore what is under your feet, you will not be able to tackle expansive, fun projects in future.

The Weekly Outlook from 06th May

You may feel circumstances are pushing you in a way you don't want to go. But this will be a time for facing the bottom line and getting organized. When Saturn is around you have to lay foundations, sometimes backtrack and unpick mistakes. Or face up to people you don't like. From midweek everyone will know your heart is in the right place but they may not be clear about what you are driving at. Try to collect your thoughts before you dash into discussions. Then make an effort to get more method and discipline into your everyday schedules.

Your Monthly Horoscope for May

A smile and a soothing word will keep your everyday schedule running smoothly for three weeks. Thoughtful gestures from friends, neighbours or workmates will come in return as you race around a busy routine of short distance trips and lively conversations. Managing your time well will be vital as well as communicating clearly. Taking the initiative where money matters are concerned will be one priority. You won't take no for an answer and will insist on being paid your due. Building up security will be a priority as well as ensuring there is enough surplus for treats. You won't be opening up about all your plans since Pluto moving through the sign before yours will indicate that secrecy will be wise. You may be too blunt on the 13th as a surprise turn of events jolts you into speaking without thinking. But all will end well a week later when you are showered with reassuring support. In the final ten days you will slow down and put your feet up at home, happy to have the chance to snuggle up close to loved ones and have the chance to get perspective on recent events.

and Next Month's Horoscope for June

Good news on the home and family front early on will put a smile on your face and for three weeks the focus of your attention will be on domestic matters. Having a chance for heart-to-heart chats with loved ones and even better the opportunity to relax and reflect over recent events, getting them into perspective will bring you peace of mind. Since Jupiter will continue through this area of your chart until the middle of 2025, you can expect relationships with those close to be improving with old tensions disappearing. You will also have a chance to expand your immediate environment to give you elbow room and allow for more entertaining. After the first week a busier everyday schedule will keep you on the run some of the time, talking constantly and getting impatient with delays and slow coaches. You may not always be tactful but you will make fast progress. Try not to be reckless while travelling around. After midmonth your social life will waken up with invites to fun occasions and compliments coming your way. Into the final ten days chores will be pushed aside in favour of enjoyment and entertainment.

Year Ahead 2024

2024 will find you in a go-ahead mood in the early months, keen to blow cobwebs away, stay in touch with a wide circle of friends and make for plans for the longer term. You will also be aware of an equal and opposite urge to find quality time for reflection in a protected corner. Pluto moving into the sign before yours hints that getting a better perspective on the past and plumbing your inner depths will bring fulfilment and clarity over time. There will be times when you are serious, realistic and clear that letting go what belongs to the past is crucial; and other times where you drift along ducking decisions. What will be important is taking direct action where your personal finances are concerned. That will be an imperative from April onwards for a few months. Perseverance will pay off. Your negotiating skills will bring results and in general your persuasive powers and easy way with words mean the early months will glide by without too many wrinkles. From the middle of the year you will move into a contented phase at home, within yourself and mellower relationships within the family extending into 2025. The October eclipse hints that altering the way you share, care, and relate over money or in your closest relationships will bring increased security and emotional satisfaction.